Developing an MVP is Not the Only Cost You Will Have

While development is important, there are several other hidden costs that you need to consider to ensure your MVP succeeds.
Developing an MVP is Not the Only Cost You Will Have

While development is important, there are several other hidden costs that you need to consider to ensure your MVP succeeds.

The First Hidden Cost – Planning

Effective planning can save you money and time in the long run. It’s not just about knowing what needs to be done, but also who should be involved and how you’ll break the project into manageable steps. Here’s what you need to focus on:

Who Should Be Involved in Planning

Key Stakeholders: Include anyone who has a direct interest in the MVP’s success (co-founders, department heads, or product owners).

Team Leads: Your development, design, and marketing team leads need to provide input on timelines and resource requirements.

Project Manager: Someone needs to own the plan, track progress, and hold the team accountable.

External Partners: If you’re outsourcing development, include your external partners or freelancers in these discussions to align on expectations.

How to Create a Timeline

Break Down Phases: Split your project into distinct phases (e.g., planning, design, development, testing, launch).

Estimate Time for Each Phase: Based on the input from your team leads and past experiences, give each phase a time estimate. Keep in mind that unforeseen issues may arise, so allow some buffer time.

Set Milestones: Identify key deliverables for each phase. This could be a completed prototype for design or a functional feature for development.

Review Regularly: Once the project starts, check in weekly or bi-weekly to adjust the timeline as needed.

How to Set Goals

Use SMART Goals: Ensure your goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. For example, “Launch MVP with 3 core features within 6 months.”

Set Priorities: Not all goals carry the same weight. Focus on delivering a product with core functionalities rather than getting bogged down in ‘nice-to-have’ features.

Align Goals with KPIs: Make sure your goals reflect the key performance indicators (KPIs) you’ll use to measure success. For instance, “Achieve 1,000 beta signups within the first two months of launch.”

How to Budget

Account for All Resources: List every cost center: development, design, marketing, customer support, infrastructure, legal, etc. Include one-off costs (e.g., hosting) and ongoing ones (e.g., marketing campaigns).

Create Contingency: Allocate 10-20% of your budget as a contingency for unexpected expenses (e.g., feature changes or additional testing).

Balance Quality and Cost: Don’t cut corners, but also don’t overspend on unnecessary tools or features that won’t directly impact the MVP’s success.

Tip: Start with a Detailed Roadmap, but Stay Flexible
The roadmap serves as a guide, but it shouldn’t be set in stone. Expect things to change, and don’t be afraid to pivot when necessary. Review your plans regularly with key stakeholders to ensure everyone is aligned and expectations remain realistic. Adjust deadlines and resources as the project evolves to prevent burnout or overspending.

Choosing the Right Partner Can Save You Money

Finding the right partner for your MVP, whether it’s a developer, designer, or marketing expert, is critical. Choosing poorly can lead to delays, wasted money, or even a failed product.

Who Should You Look for

Technical Partner: If you’re outsourcing development, find someone who has experience in your tech stack and industry. Look for developers who have worked on similar MVPs to ensure they understand your needs.

Design Partner: A great designer understands both user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design. They should have a portfolio that showcases an understanding of simplicity and functionality, especially in early-stage products.

Marketing Partner: Marketing is often overlooked but essential. A partner with experience in launching MVPs and building early-stage traction is critical to getting your product in front of the right audience.

What to Look for in a Partner

Relevant Experience: Find someone with a track record in your industry or with similar projects. Ask for case studies or portfolio examples.

Communication Skills: Clear, frequent communication is key. Ensure they understand your vision and provide regular updates. Good communication can often save a project from falling behind or getting off track.

Cultural Fit: Your partner should align with your company’s values and goals. This makes collaboration easier and ensures a shared vision for the project.

Availability: Ensure your partner has enough bandwidth to dedicate to your project. If they’re stretched too thin, quality and timelines will suffer.

Where to Find the Right Partner

Freelancer Platforms: Platforms like Upwork or Toptal allow you to browse portfolios and ratings, but vetting is still important.

Referrals: Ask for recommendations from colleagues or within your network. Partners who have worked successfully with others in your circle come with a built-in trust factor.

Agencies: For a more structured approach, agencies provide a team that can handle multiple aspects of the MVP process, from design to development and marketing. This can be more expensive, but often offers better coordination.

How to Choose Wisely

Test the Waters: Before committing fully, consider a smaller, trial project or a discovery phase. This gives you a feel for their working style, communication, and quality.

Clarify Expectations: Make sure you and your partner are aligned on budget, timelines, and deliverables from the start. Have everything documented in a contract.

Ongoing Evaluation: Don’t just rely on initial impressions. Regular check-ins will ensure they’re delivering as promised and help you catch issues early.

Tip: Invest Time in the Selection Process

Rushing to hire a partner can cost you more in the long run if they don’t deliver. Invest the time upfront to interview, review portfolios, and clarify expectations. This effort will pay off in smoother collaboration, better results, and fewer surprises.

Setting Realistic Goals (Budget, Deadlines, KPIs)

Setting clear and realistic goals is crucial to managing costs and avoiding delays. These goals provide direction for your team and give you measurable targets to assess success.

How to Set Realistic Budgets

Start with Research: Research costs for all components—development, design, marketing, hosting, and support. Talk to your partners and get quotes.

Prioritize Spending: Focus your budget on critical areas that directly impact the MVP’s core functionality. For example, if your MVP depends on seamless user experience, investing in good UI/UX design is crucial.

Account for Hidden Costs: Budget for unexpected expenses, like extended development time, additional features, or support requests. A contingency of 10-20% can help cover unforeseen costs.

How to Set Realistic Deadlines

Break It Down: Divide the project into phases and assign realistic deadlines for each (e.g., planning, design, development, testing, launch).

Get Input from Your Team: Consult with your development and design teams to get accurate time estimates. Unrealistic deadlines can lead to burnout and lower quality work.

Add Buffers: Always add a time buffer to each phase to account for any delays. Aim for a balanced approach, avoiding over-optimistic or excessively cautious timelines.

How to Set KPIs

Align KPIs with Your Goals: Your key performance indicators should measure what matters most, whether it’s user engagement, early sales, or product feedback.

Focus on Actionable Metrics: Choose metrics that provide clear insights into your MVP’s success, like the number of active users, time spent in the app, or conversion rates.

Set Targets: Attach specific numbers to your KPIs (e.g., “Gain 500 beta users in the first month” or “Reduce churn rate by 15% after launch”). This allows you to assess whether you’re hitting your goals.

How to Stay On Track

Regular Reviews: Have weekly or bi-weekly reviews to assess progress against your goals, budget, and deadlines. If you’re off track, adjust the plan.

Involve the Team: Regular feedback from your team can help adjust goals and timelines to reflect actual progress.

Tip: Don’t Aim for Perfection – Aim for Progress

It’s easy to get caught up in perfecting the MVP, but this can lead to missed deadlines and budget overruns. Set clear priorities for each stage, and focus on progress rather than perfection. Stick to the essentials and refine the product based on real user feedback after launch.

Project Management is a Cost You Can’t Skip

Managing the entire process of developing an MVP is crucial to staying on track and within budget. Poor project management can lead to delays, miscommunication, and costly mistakes.

Why You Need Project Management

Coordination Across Teams: Development, design, and marketing teams need to be aligned on timelines and deliverables. A project manager ensures everyone is working toward the same goals.

Accountability: Without someone managing deadlines and progress, it’s easy for tasks to fall through the cracks, causing delays.

Tracking Resources: Project management tools help track the time, resources, and budget spent on each phase. This helps avoid overspending.

Key Responsibilities of a Project Manager

Planning and Organizing: The project manager coordinates all moving parts, ensuring deadlines are realistic and that everyone is clear on their responsibilities.

Monitoring Progress: They track progress at each stage, flagging any issues or delays early on to prevent them from escalating.

Risk Management: Identifying potential risks (e.g., a feature taking longer to develop than expected) and planning contingencies to avoid major setbacks.

Communication: They act as the central point for updates, making sure all team members and stakeholders are informed of progress, changes, and challenges.

How to Manage Effectively

Use Project Management Tools: Tools like Trello, Asana, or Jira help keep track of tasks, assign roles, and monitor progress.

Hold Regular Check-ins: Weekly or bi-weekly team meetings to assess progress and adjust plans if needed.

Clear Documentation: Make sure that all goals, timelines, and changes are documented to prevent miscommunication.

Delegate: Avoid micromanaging. Trust your team leads to handle their responsibilities, but step in when things go off track.

How to Avoid Common Pitfalls

Scope Creep: Avoid adding unnecessary features that weren’t part of the original plan unless they are absolutely needed. Every new feature adds time and costs.

Unrealistic Timelines: Setting overly ambitious deadlines can lead to rushed work and mistakes. Be realistic in your planning.

Poor Communication: Without regular updates, teams may misunderstand goals or priorities. Clear, frequent communication is essential.

Tip: Invest in Project Management Early

Hiring or designating a project manager early can save you money in the long run. Proper coordination and communication will prevent costly delays and ensure you stay within budget and on schedule.

You Need to Budget for Marketing

Launching an MVP doesn’t stop at development. Without marketing, your product might not reach the right audience, leading to slow growth or failure.

Why Marketing is Crucial

Visibility: Even the best MVP needs visibility to succeed. Marketing helps you reach early adopters and build awareness.

Build a Brand: Early marketing sets the tone for your brand and creates a recognizable identity. Strong branding can help you stand out from competitors.

Validate the Market: Marketing during the MVP phase helps you understand your audience better by testing their reactions and engagement.

What Marketing Includes

Digital Marketing: Utilize social media, search engine ads, and email marketing to generate buzz. Early-stage marketing helps grow your user base before and after launch.

Content Marketing: Create blogs, videos, and other content to showcase your MVP’s value and educate potential users.

PR and Outreach: Contact media outlets or influencers to help promote your MVP and get early attention.

How to Budget for Marketing

Start Small: You don’t need a huge budget for marketing at first. Allocate a portion for paid ads or collaborations with influencers, and adjust based on results.

Leverage Free Tools: Social media platforms, content marketing, and partnerships can often be done with minimal upfront costs. Organic marketing efforts like social media posts and SEO can yield results without heavy spending.

Test and Adapt: Marketing should be flexible. Test different strategies and platforms (e.g., Facebook ads vs. Google ads) and put more money into what works.

When to Start Marketing

Pre-launch: Start building awareness even before the MVP is released. Build anticipation through teaser campaigns, email signups, or early access programs.

Post-launch: After release, focus on converting early users into loyal customers. This is where feedback loops and community-building become important.

Tip: Start Marketing Early, Even on a Small Budget

You don’t need a massive marketing budget to get started. Focus on low-cost, high-impact strategies like content marketing and social media engagement. Test what works and increase spending as your audience grows. Early marketing helps build awareness and trust, key ingredients for long-term success.

Don’t Underestimate the Power of Community

Building a community around your MVP can be one of the most cost-effective ways to create long-term engagement and loyalty. A strong community not only supports your product but can also act as an early source of feedback and even marketing.

Why Community Matters

Loyal Users: A well-nurtured community is likely to become loyal to your brand. These early users can become advocates, promoting your product to others.

Feedback and Iteration: Your community can provide valuable feedback that helps shape future versions of your MVP. The insights they share can help you spot bugs, find new features, and improve user experience.

Word-of-Mouth Marketing: An engaged community is more likely to talk about your product online and offline, helping you grow without additional marketing spend.

How to Build a Community

Create Dedicated Spaces: Establish a home for your community. This could be a Facebook group, Discord server, Reddit thread, or a forum on your website. These spaces foster discussions, provide support, and give users a place to connect with each other and your team.

Encourage User-Generated Content: Allow your users to share their experiences, tips, and suggestions with each other. This creates organic content and keeps the community engaged.

Be Present: It’s important for your team to actively participate in the community. Answer questions, provide updates, and acknowledge user feedback. This builds trust and shows that you value their input.

Incentivize Participation: Reward active members with exclusive content, early access to new features, or even brand merchandise. This fosters loyalty and keeps users engaged.

Sustaining Your Community

Regular Interaction: Keep your community alive with regular posts, updates, and discussions. Ask for their input on features, respond to questions, and give recognition to your most active members.

Host Events or Webinars: Engage users with webinars, live Q&As, or product demo sessions. These help deepen the connection between the community and your brand, while also providing educational content.

Empower Community Leaders: Identify key users who can help moderate discussions or lead conversations. These leaders can help maintain a positive and supportive atmosphere.

How Community Drives Growth

Referrals and Advocacy: Your community members can become your best marketers. As they feel connected to your product, they’ll naturally recommend it to others, helping you grow through referrals.

Long-Term Retention: A thriving community gives users a reason to keep coming back, even after they’ve tried the product. It fosters loyalty and increases user retention over time.

Tip: Start Building Your Community Early

Don’t wait until after your MVP launches to start building your community. Create spaces for early users to gather, provide feedback, and connect with your brand. A strong community can help you shape your product and fuel organic growth over time.

Customer Support is an Ongoing Cost

After launching your MVP, customer support becomes an ongoing cost that can’t be overlooked. Proper support can keep users happy, prevent churn, and provide invaluable insights into potential product improvements.

Why Customer Support is Essential

User Retention: Customers are more likely to stick around if their problems are addressed quickly and effectively. Poor support can lead to user frustration and abandonment.

Product Improvement: Customer feedback often highlights bugs, usability issues, or missing features. This can help you prioritize future improvements.

Brand Reputation: Good customer support builds trust. Users are more likely to recommend a product that comes with reliable, responsive support.

Different Types of Support

Self-Service Support: A well-structured FAQ or knowledge base can answer common user questions and reduce the number of support tickets you receive.

Live Chat/Email Support: Offering real-time chat or email support can help users resolve issues faster and increase satisfaction.

Community Support: In some cases, your user community can help answer questions or solve issues for other users. Setting up a support forum or integrating support within your community can reduce the load on your team.

How to Scale Customer Support

Start Small, But Plan to Grow: Initially, your support team might only need to be a couple of people, or even a part-time role. As your user base grows, consider expanding your team or outsourcing support to handle higher volumes.

Automate What You Can: Use chatbots or automated responses for common issues to save time and improve response rates.

Offer Multi-Channel Support: Different users prefer different support channels. Offer a mix of email, chat, and self-service options to cover all bases.

How to Measure Customer Support Success

Response Time: Track how quickly your team responds to support tickets or issues.

Customer Satisfaction (CSAT): Use feedback forms or surveys after a support interaction to gauge user satisfaction.

Resolution Rate: Measure how many issues are resolved on the first contact, as well as how quickly they are resolved.

Tip: Prioritize Customer Support Early

Even if your team is small, prioritize having a support system in place at launch. Poor support can lead to high churn rates and damage your reputation. As you grow, scale your support team and introduce automation to manage costs effectively.

Maintenance and Updates Will Continue to Add Costs

Once your MVP is live, the work doesn’t stop. Regular updates, bug fixes, and new features are necessary to keep your product relevant and retain users. This ongoing maintenance can add up over time, so it’s important to plan for it.

Why Post-Launch Maintenance is Necessary

Bug Fixes: No matter how well-tested your MVP is, there will be bugs that need to be fixed after launch. Users will quickly lose patience with unresolved issues.

Security Updates: Keeping your MVP secure should be a top priority. Regular security patches protect your user data and maintain trust.

Feature Enhancements: As users provide feedback, you may need to add new features or improve existing ones to stay competitive.

Types of Maintenance and Updates

Routine Bug Fixes: Address any bugs that arise post-launch. A quick response time to user-reported issues will help maintain trust and satisfaction.

Security Patches: Regularly review and update your software for security vulnerabilities. This is especially critical if your MVP handles sensitive user data.

Performance Enhancements: As usage grows, optimize the performance of your MVP to handle increased traffic and demands.

Feature Rollouts: Plan for periodic feature updates to enhance user experience and keep your product fresh.

How to Plan for Post-Launch Maintenance

Create a Maintenance Schedule: Set up a timeline for regular updates, bug fixes, and performance reviews. Communicate this schedule to your users so they know what to expect.

Allocate Resources: Dedicate part of your budget to post-launch maintenance. This could include hiring additional developers or setting aside time for your existing team to work on fixes.

User Feedback Loop: Actively engage with users to gather feedback. Prioritize their suggestions to make updates that align with user needs.

How to Manage Maintenance Costs

Use Automation: Automate testing and deployment processes to reduce manual labor and speed up updates.

Outsource When Necessary: If your team is small, consider outsourcing maintenance tasks, like security audits or bug fixes, to specialists.

Plan for Scalability: As your user base grows, so do the demands on your infrastructure. Ensure your product is scalable to avoid performance bottlenecks and costly downtime.

Tip: Maintenance is Key to Long-Term Success

Don’t neglect post-launch maintenance. Regular updates not only keep your product functioning properly but also show your users that you are committed to improving their experience. Prioritize bug fixes, security, and performance to maintain trust and engagement over time.

Don’t Forget Legal and Compliance Costs

Depending on your industry and the nature of your MVP, there may be various legal and compliance requirements you need to address. Ignoring these can lead to costly fines, legal disputes, or even the shutdown of your product.

Why Legal and Compliance Matter

Avoid Fines and Penalties: Failing to comply with industry regulations can result in hefty fines or restrictions. For example, GDPR non-compliance in Europe can lead to substantial penalties.

Protect User Data: Especially if your MVP collects sensitive user information, you must comply with data privacy laws like GDPR, CCPA, or HIPAA, depending on your region and industry.

Safeguard Your Intellectual Property: Make sure to protect your MVP’s code, branding, and unique features through trademarks, patents, or copyright laws.

Key Legal and Compliance Considerations

Data Privacy and Security: Understand and comply with relevant data protection regulations. If your MVP handles user data, ensure it’s stored securely and only used according to legal guidelines.

Terms of Service and Privacy Policy: Draft clear, user-friendly terms of service and privacy policy documents. These protect you from liability and clarify how user data is handled.

Licenses and Certifications: Depending on your product, you may need industry-specific certifications or licenses to operate legally.

Intellectual Property (IP) Protection: Secure trademarks for your brand and consider patenting unique features or technology used in your MVP.

How to Plan for Legal and Compliance Costs

Consult a Lawyer Early: Hire a legal expert or law firm to review your MVP’s compliance with local, national, or international laws. Get advice on contracts, IP protection, and privacy policies.

Allocate a Legal Budget: Legal costs can add up, especially if your MVP requires significant regulatory work. Set aside part of your budget for legal fees, certifications, or compliance software.

Use Compliance Tools: Consider using compliance software or platforms that help you stay updated on data privacy laws and other legal requirements.

How to Avoid Legal Pitfalls

Stay Informed: Laws and regulations can change, so it’s crucial to stay updated. Regularly review your compliance strategy and consult your legal advisor as needed.

Get Agreements in Writing: Always have contracts in place with partners, developers, and even users. This protects you legally and sets clear expectations.

Tip: Legal Compliance Isn’t Optional – Plan for It Early

Legal and compliance requirements might seem overwhelming, but ignoring them can be costly. Set aside part of your budget and time early on to ensure your MVP is compliant and protected. This will save you from bigger headaches and expenses later on.

Plan for More Than Just Development and Design

Launching an MVP involves more than just coding and design. Consider the hidden costs—planning, finding the right partner, setting goals, marketing, community building, customer support, legal compliance, and post-launch maintenance. Each aspect requires attention and resources to ensure the long-term success of your product.

Key Takeaways

Plan Thoroughly: Involve the right people, set clear timelines, and allocate a budget.

Choose Partners Carefully: The right team can save you time and money.

Invest in Marketing Early: Build awareness before and after launch.

Support and Improve: Customer support and regular updates are crucial for user retention.

Stay Compliant: Don’t overlook legal and regulatory costs.

Ready to Build Your MVP? Let Us Help You Every Step of the Way

From planning and design to development and post-launch support, we offer comprehensive MVP solutions tailored to your needs. Contact us to bring your vision to life, with the right strategies in place for long-term success.


What is an MVP in product development?

An MVP (Minimum Viable Product) is the most basic version of a product that includes only the core features necessary to meet the needs of early adopters. The goal of an MVP is to validate the product idea with real users while minimizing development time and costs.

Why is building an MVP important?

Building an MVP allows you to test your product concept quickly and cost-effectively. It helps you gather feedback from real users early on, which you can use to improve the product before investing in full-scale development.

How much does it cost to build an MVP?

The cost of building an MVP can vary widely depending on the complexity of the product, the technology stack, and the development team’s expertise. On average, MVPs can cost anywhere from $10,000 to $50,000 or more, depending on the scope of work and features.

How long does it take to develop an MVP?

The time required to build an MVP typically ranges from 3 to 6 months. This depends on the complexity of the product, the size of the development team, and how well-defined the product requirements are before development begins.

What are the hidden costs of developing an MVP?

Aside from development and design, hidden costs can include: planning and research, project management, marketing and branding, customer support, compliance and legal fees, post-launch maintenance and updates.

What should I include in my MVP?

Your MVP should focus on core features that solve the primary problem your users face. Avoid adding unnecessary features at this stage. The goal is to validate the product with minimal effort while delivering value to your early users.

How do I market my MVP after launch?

Marketing your MVP involves a combination of pre-launch strategies (like building a landing page and collecting email sign-ups) and post-launch activities (such as email campaigns, social media marketing, and gathering user feedback). Building a community around your MVP can also help generate organic growth.

What’s the difference between an MVP and a prototype?

An MVP is a functional product with the core features that solve a specific problem for early users. A prototype, on the other hand, is a preliminary model used to visualize and test the product’s concept before actual development begins. Prototypes are typically not functional, whereas MVPs are.

How do I choose the right development team for my MVP?

Choose a team with relevant experience in building MVPs and working with startups. Look for developers and designers who understand your industry and target audience, and prioritize communication skills and cultural fit.

What should I do after launching my MVP?

After launching, focus on gathering user feedback, fixing bugs, and iterating based on user needs. Continue marketing efforts to grow your user base, and plan for post-launch maintenance, including regular updates and new feature rollouts.

Can you help us with MVP development?

Yes, we specialize in MVP development, offering a full range of services from planning and design to development and post-launch support. Our team can guide you through each step, ensuring your MVP is built efficiently, within budget, and tailored to your target audience. Contact us to learn more about how we can bring your vision to life.


Vladimir Mrkela
Vladimir Mrkela
Vladimir is co-founder and CEO of the Northwest. His background is in PHP development and project management. When he is not sitting in the front of the screen you may find him outdoors - riding a bike.

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